Best and Worst Memorial Day…ever.

The whole Boise clan was looking forward to this past Memorial Day weekend, because my sister and her family were coming into town, and we had a whole list of fun activities to do together.  They were all set to arrive on Saturday afternoon, so the day before, Rylan and I met Papa for lunch at the Boise Train Depot, to look at “Big Mike”, an old steam engine we knew Rylan would LOVE to see.


It was a beautiful day, and Big Mike was humongous!

On Saturday, the Schroeder’s got here in time for lunch, so Kevin, Rylan and I headed down for lunch and dinner together.  Rylan was excited to see his Aunt “Ducky”, Uncle “Cake” (Jake), and cousins Hannah and “Honey” (Henry).  He’s clearly still working on his pronunciation.  And we don’t know why he calls my sister “Ducky”, but he’s been calling her that for a few months, and I haven’t corrected him because I think it’s funny.  It was such a beautiful day outside, that we sat out in the front yard talking while Kevin, Jake, and Dad put a new baby seat on the back of their bicycle and Rylan played in the sprinkler.  Later in the day, Henry got to take the inaugural ride in the bike seat.  I think he loved it!

Sunday, after church, we celebrated Yamma’s birthday!  We had a great steak BBQ, opened presents and had the traditional Angel Food Cake.  That was when we found out that Kevin had never had Angel Food Cake (!!!), so we documented the momentous occasion:


His conclusion: Yummy! (obviously)!

Unfortunately, after we all went home for the night, disaster struck.  About a half hour after we got back home, Rylan started throwing up…everywhere.  Every 20 minutes.  Within an hour, we were almost out of clean blankets, towels, and clothes for him (I should have done the laundry earlier, so we weren’t so low on that stuff)!  Then we got word that Henry was doing the same thing over at Nana and Papa’s house!  It was a long night, but Rylan slowed down the puking around 2:00 am.  Then he woke up at 6:00 am, and started all over again.  All day long!  It didn’t help that I woke up in the morning throwing up feeling horrible, Jake, my mom, my dad, and my sister, (also Henry), threw up that day.  This turn of events made Monday the official worst Memorial Day ever.  We went over there for dinner, but nobody could eat anything, we all laid around the house being sick.  One good thing about the sickness though, was that Mantz and Jake were in no condition to drive home the next day, so by Tuesday, we were all feeling incrementally better, and we got to spend a little more time with them before saying goodbye.  For dinner, we all ate a very small amount of leftovers, and mustered up the energy to go to the park for a little bit.  We are pretty sure we all got hit with the Norovirus, especially considering how contagious it was.  I think Henry and Rylan had it the worst, but it was pretty miserable for everyone.

Here are more pictures from the weekend.  Until next time!




Rylan’s new word: Zoo!

While the Boise Zoo may be the smallest zoo in the history of zoos, it is a great place to take kids, and the animals they have are pretty cool. “Auntie” Kathryn, Kyndra, Rylan and I all headed over there yesterday. We had great luck with the animals being entertaining and close up to all the display windows. Rylan was really scared and uneasy the first half of the visit, and Kyndra was terrified the second half, so at least one kid was being carried the entire time we were there!

The most terrifying of all animals was….the goat.  Not even joking, and I shouldn’t have laughed at this considering how horrific it was for Kyndra.  But when that goat in the petting zoo walked slowly toward her, we heard a scream of bloody murder come out of that poor girl’s mouth!  Note to self: do not buy Kyndra a goat for her birthday.

They also had a robotic dinosaur exhibit, where life sized, moving life sized dinosaurs would make sounds and they were scattered at random places throughout the zoo.  Both Rylan and Kyndra were terrified of them.

Despite all the drama, I think we had a good time.  Can’t wait to go again!

Check out some of the photos here!